#CiviOneClick Project - Update No. 4
The project ends but #CiviOneClick continues
Dear #CiviOneClick-community and supporters,
A bit more than a year has passed since we, Software für Engagierte e.V. (SfE), started the #CiviOneClick-project and now it is coming to an end. The #CiviOneClick-demo is in the final testing and will be released beginning of 2025.
We are very grateful, not only to the German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering (“Deutschen Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt“, DSEE) for their funding through the transform_d programme, but also to all the cooperation partners and supporters who made the realisation of #CiviOneClick possible.
However, while the project is ending, #CiviOneClick will continue its journey, as many more ideas are planned to be developed.
Read more about the current status of #CiviOneClick and its vision here.
Many greetings and Happy Holidays,
Your SfE-team Bene, Detlev, Katharina and Theresa
Status Quo of #CiviOneClick
It was an intense year for SfE and the #CiviOneClick project, following the vision of making CiviCRM more accessible. This included creating an automated one-click-demo system that will allow users to feed their own demo container with data and test CiviCRM. This demo will make it possible for organisations and initiatives who are interested in CiviCRM to try out the functions without needing to go through complex demo-installation processes or to look into the Civi systems and data of other organisations.
Kicking off at the Sprint in Ashbourne, UK, in November 2023, the project found great support from the international CiviCRM community. In many calls, also at the amazing CiviCRM Sprint in June 2024 in Hamburg, the requirements and architecture of #CiviOneClick have been discussed to make it fit for as many target groups as possible (user stories here) .
The results?
A Docker image based on the brand new CiviCRM Standalone (so the demo doesn’t need a CMS), created by Michael from Third Sector Design. It is the basis-container of the demo and with the help of Ben and Tim from the Core Team it became the official Docker image of CiviCRM. Therefore, it will not only benefit the demo, but the whole CiviCRM community as part of the regular release cycle. The Core Team has also incorporated requirements for better SaaS support of CiviCRM (e.g. use of environment variables).
To be honest, we didn’t think this success was possible when we started the #CiviOneClick project and are very happy about the commitment of the Core Team and the fact that there will be a maintained Docker container in the long term.
A setup with the Docker image based on Kubernetes is still in the last steps. It can be used as a service by the community to simplify the orchestration and scalability of CiviCRM. The cluster will also make it possible to choose different PHP versions and carry out other magical things. You can check out the current status here, created by Ahmet from Skvare.
At the final stage, Frank from German cooperative WTF Kooperative eG joined to build us an amazing demo interface, allowing the users to create their own demo container. Martin from Mittwald made it possible as a hosting partner, for the demo containers and data of the users to be stored safely.
In addition, we hosted several online CiviCRM-introduction workshops this year as well as held a workshop at the CiviCamp in Hamburg and at a digital conference of the DSEE, thereby bringing CiviCRM closer to the German civil society and making them excited to test the demo.
In short, we are happy and proud, that we could make more people aware of CiviCRM and that we managed to bring Docker into the virtual world and set new standards for CiviCRM. Very soon (beginning of 2025) we will be even more proud to provide interested people with the demo and tick of a huge milestone of our #CiviOneClick vision.
The Journey Continues
The journey of #CiviOneClick is not yet over. Our vision contains more steps. We not only want to make it easier to test Civi, but also to lower the hurdle of a complex installation process.
With #CiviOneClick we paved the way that shortly, it will be possible to easily and quickly install CiviCRM and migrate your data from the demo to a permanent install. This will also allow organisations with a smaller budget to use Civi and simplify the support.
Furthermore, there will be the “flavors”. These will be preconfigured installs provided with #CiviOneClick. They will allow the user to install a set of extensions and configurations that meet a particular use case, e.g. sports clubs or event organisers. Therewith comes a flavor extension to install them easily.
If you are interested in joining the discussions and supporting the next steps of #CiviOneClick, read more about our project here or feel free to join our #CiviOneClick Mattermost group.
All this would not have been possible without the great support of many people! So it is time for another BIG THANKS!
Therefore we first want to say thanks to the German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering (“Deutschen Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt“), who made it possible through funding with their transform_d programme to build #CiviOneClick.
A huge thanks goes to all our cooperation partners who spent endless hours coding and in meetings to create the demo: Michael of Third Sector Design, Ahmet from Skvare, Frank from WTF eG as well as Martin and Gökhan of Mittwald and all their team members.
A special thanks goes to Ben, Tim and Josh of the Core Team who supported the project with their massive CiviCRM expertise. And also to the team of CiviCRM Standalone: many thanks for all your hard work.
We also had amazing times at the CiviCamps and Sprints in Ashbourne and Hamburg. Thanks a lot to the organisers for bringing the community together.
And not to forget all the other persons who supported us throughout the process with their knowledge and expertise. To name you all here would make the page crash. THANK YOU!